Open Lotus Living - Caroline Mary Andrews
New Earth Prayer Circle: Co-creating the New Earth
What is the New Earth?
For me, the New Earth is a place where souls are free to live their dreams, supported to be fully themselves, and respected as the divine being they are.
There's clean water, clean air, clean food, plenty of space, harmony with nature, exciting new (or old!) technology that supports life instead of hampers it, and everyone knows our divine origin. Everyone expresses their faith in their own unique way, and religions are joined up into a unified collection of wisdom. We live seeing and feeling the connection between all things, all beings, all races, all of life, and there is harmony.... and there is so much more to come than we can barely imagine right now!
Why am I offering New Earth Prayer Circles?
We each have a part to play in co-creating the New Earth, and sharing visions of the New Earth feels one of the greatest things we can do collectively for we are then co-creating our world, and accessing our creator-self that we can then apply to all areas of our own lives too.
Go here to see other visions I've had over the last few years, and perhaps you'll see how similar they are with your own? It's my understanding that most of us hold codes for the New Earth, and each of us may hold the key to a higher version of a specific area of human life, for example, natural building, energy healing, new communication methods, and more. When we gather together, we share ideas and visions and they start to become our reality.
In offering these shared calls we're anchoring our own visions, activating our energy system and sending them out to the collective, assisting others to have the courage to live their own dreams too.
When are we gathering?
Making the most out of energy portals offered through certain dates, we'll gather on repeating number days:
7th July - 8th August - 9th September - 10th October - 11th November - 12th December
How much is it to join?
Totally free! (Though you can offer a donation using the donation button at the bottom of this page if you'd like to help me continue to share my work.)
Do I need any previous experience of meditation?
Not at all!
Where do I find the call details?
Sign up to my newsletter below and I'll keep you posted about my offerings once a month.
OR you can find me on Facebook here and follow me, and I'll advertise the timing of the call in the morning and intend to offer the call at 7pm GMT each month.