Open Lotus Living - Caroline Mary Andrews
Wellbeing Fair - Stall holders information
Welcome to Open Lotus Living Wellbeing and Craft Fairs.
I'm passionate about providing a welcoming and enjoyable experience for all who attend, so please do contact me if you feel you'd be a good match to join the stall holders for a heart-felt day together.
On this page you'll find booking information, the booking form, terms and conditions and a template risk assessment.
Booking a therapy, retail or reader space
If you'd like to book, fill out the online booking form below.
If we're a match, I'll ask for your payment (details on the form), and for you to email me a risk assessment and a copy of your liability insurance.
2024 Dates:
March 9th 2024, Jubilee Hall, Llanelwedd
July 6th 2024 - The Globe, Hay on Wye.
September 21st - Jubilee Hall, Llanelwedd.
2025 Dates:
Sunday February 2nd - Kerry Village Hall
Saturday March 22nd - Jubilee Hall, Llanelwedd.
Saturday September 20th - Jubilee Hall, Llanelwedd.
For directions go here.
Guidelines for Stall holders:
1. There will be a mix of healers, mediums, craft stalls and other stalls, and I will be discerning as to the mix of stalls to create the perfect balance. Please do not be offended if I cannot include you in a particular Fair due to creating the right mix of stalls, and know I will happily keep you on file for future reference if you so wish.
2. Stall holders are invited not to take extra floor space/stall space for rails etc., without prior agreement, so that everyone has a fair, allocated space. These events are a puzzle and require prior arrangement!
3. Please be courteous to other stall holders during the set up, as it's a day for ourselves as well as our guests. Our wellbeing is an important part of this day too, so let's keep kindness in heart and mind as we set up together. Any queries on the day or leading up to the event please contact Caroline: email here or message/phone on 07749232366.
4. Please book your space by filling out the Jotform via the link above. I will then confirm your place and you will be required to pay in full, and submit your completed risk assessment, and copy of your insurance certificate.
5. If you would like to submit a prize for the raffle, please indicate on your booking form, and state clearly what it will be.
6. If you would like to offer a talk or workshop for our guests, please indicate on the booking form, along with the title and a brief description and I will confirm your place via email.
6. Please indicate on the booking form if you need space for a healing table, and allow for the additional booking fee. In the case of outdoor events, space will be allocated as per venue size.
7. Please indicate on the booking form if you need a specific placement (i.e. to be with your back against the wall). I will endeavour to honour your needs but may not always be able to do so due to the puzzle of creating the shared space!
Thank you for reading, and do not hesitate to reach out with your questions at