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Entering the Silence

I woke up today to one of my favourite views: the winter sun rising above frosty roofs and from the other side of my flat, glistening grass and haze in the distance beyond the river.

I love the winter time: a time of peace, leading up to Christmas, and a time of slowing down before the next year comes along.

And yet, for some stretches in my life, I’ve been so angry, I couldn’t enjoy these simple things in life. I’d become detached from life, and threw myself into my spiritual practices, believing that I didn’t really need to “join in” with life anyway.

I know now a lot of these patterns come from misplaced religious beliefs about how I should live, in accordance with this or that culture, however, really, this was just hiding my pain.

Within this pain was anger: anger at life, my parents, politicians, my grandparents, (ok, one in particular), and the Mental Health system in the UK that has been such a big part of my 20s.

When I finally started healing, instead of just being angry, I allowed the angry parts to be heard, to receive love, to receive the attention they were looking for.

And when you do this, suddenly there's space. There’s space and there’s peace.

And then, there was silence.

When I was pondering what to blog about this morning for my monthly newsletter, I realised I hadn’t written many blogs without an undercarriage of vitriolic rage bubbling under the surface in all that I wrote.

Of course, I dressed up my rage with a clever message, something I just had to tell someone, and yet, now, when I’m ever more at peace, what is there to say?

And now, I don’t know how to write from silence! I don’t know how to write from peace!

So please bear with me while I change my scripts, please bear with me as I come to peace and change my story....

I can see people are on their own journey, and for sure I’d like to help, but what now do I need to tell you? What have I been wanting to tell you, that Silence doesn't make space for?

I want to inspire peace, and in doing so, I am becoming peaceful.

I want to inspire people to live, and in doing so, I am living more fully.

So on this glorious day, I wonder, how can I help you?

Is there anywhere you’re not at peace?

Then, go ahead and see if you find inspiration using my free resources:

Is there anything you’d like to create in your life but are afraid to take action with?

Then, go ahead and book an Ascension Alignment Session so I can help you move forwards with ease:

Maybe like me you’re enjoying this winter morning, and welcoming all that your days is bringing… but please do reach out if I can be of assistance, and until the next time,

Warmest wishes,


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